What Backgrounds Look Best with My Custom Business Sign?

The purpose of a custom sign is to attract attention toward your brand. Most business signs consist of two layers: a background, consisting of a single color or a gradient and the foreground, consisting of the graphic elements and/or the text component used for conveying the information. The best way to create signs that really stand out is to use contrast between the background and the foreground – here are some tips how to use that contrast in a tasteful and attention-grabbing way.

Choose the Right Approach

When it comes to creating contrast, you have two options: you can use a darker background and contrast it with bright-colored or really light lettering and graphic components or you can do it the other way around, using a light-colored background and contrasting it with lettering and graphics that feature darker colors. It may be a good idea to emphasize the contrast through adding borders to delimit the background and the foreground – the border can be dark or light colored, depending on the type of contrast that you choose.

If you choose a lighter background, white and off-white are colors that you cannot go wrong with – they tone down any design and add a touch of elegance, too. Choosing the best dark background is much more difficult and should be based on the dominant color used in the foreground elements of your signage.

Colorado signs

Consider the Environment of Your Signs

The color of the wall that you will install your interior signage on and the dominant color of the outdoor environment where your sign will be located are also important factors to consider when choosing your background colors. If the wall that will accommodate your sign is white, a white background will make it look as if it consisted of only the foreground and so will a green space if you install a sign with a green background.

A Colorado signs company rep reminds us that the colors that you can use on your signs are often limited by local regulations as well, so before you let your imagination soar and you start playing with colors, you should consult the design regulations applicable to the signs in the indoor or outdoor space that you are planning to use.

The Number of Colors to Be Used in Your Signs

Using too many colors on your signs, for the background and for the graphic elements in the foreground, might seem like a way to grab attention, but a sign that consists of too many colors might not have the right impact. Even the businesses for which the usage of colors is essential, such as paint shops or shops that sell toys, should limit their use of colors. If the graphic elements in the foreground of the sign are very colorful, the best way to create the right effects is to pair it to a plain, white background. Similarly, a sign that uses many colors, such as a rainbow gradient, in the background, should use one toned-down, neutral color in the foreground – the result will be an attractive, cheerful sign that exudes style.

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